
76th Anniversary Dinner

Batya and George Puro

Batya and George Puro are the proud parents of Deborah (‘22), David (’24), Jacob (’26) and Esther (’28). They have been part of the WDS family since 2012. 巴蒂亚是皇后区埃尔姆赫斯特医院中心的急诊医师和医学毒理学家, and George runs a market research firm from his office in White Plains, overlooking the swing set in the backyard. 乔治是董事会的受托人,并曾担任welcome皇冠旧版委员会和学校搜索委员会的负责人. More importantly, George is a transport specialist to/from WDS most mornings, as well as many evenings and weekends. He also can be found at WDS at school plays, hockey and basketball games, and has even served the students lunch from the WDS kitchen. Batya has been a Class Parent, 家长教师联络委员会的共同主席,白龙会酒吧/蝙蝠成年礼礼物计划的共同组织者. She has enjoyed using her medical expertise at Mr. Slater’s Immigration Simulation. 巴蒂亚和乔治是白原希伯来学院和白原青年以色列的成员. They are indebted to all of the teachers, 威彻斯特走读学校的教练和管理人员为他们的孩子创造了如此美妙的环境,并为他们成为高中及以后的领导者做好了准备. Also, the cookies. (Thanks Chef Chris!)

Rachel and Jonathan Rosenfeld

Rachel and Jon Rosenfeld are the proud parents of Emily ('18), Evie (’20), and Lucy (‘23). The Rosenfeld Family has been associated with Westchester Day School for over 50 years. With Jon having grown up in Scarsdale and graduating from WDS (class of 1990), there was never any doubt that the Rosenfeld children would attend WDS.
Jon is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of AWH Partners, a real estate investment firm. 他曾在WDS董事会任职17年,并担任投资和审计委员会主席. Over the years, 蕾切尔曾担任教师感谢委员会和家长联络委员会主席,并自愿参加“学习看”项目和各种晚宴委员会.  瑞秋和乔恩都是WDS女子冰球项目的热心支持者(谢谢阿里·罗兰)!!). At games, 乔恩“安静地”站在守门员旁边,喝着多杯健怡可乐,而瑞秋坐在看台上(希望不要从看台上摔下来)。. Rachel and Jon are active members of the Young Israel of Scarsdale. Additionally, Jon是the Ramaz School的董事会成员,Rachel是Westchester Chevra Kadisha的活跃成员.

Dara and Matthew Shatzkes

Dara and Matthew Shatzkes are the extremely proud parents of Madison ('24), Emma ('26), and Nathan (’29) and have been a part of the Westchester Day School family since 2014. Dara is a New York City Public School teacher. She is a passionate advocate of education and Westchester Day School. Over the years, she has been active in advising the school on educational matters. 在女子曲棍球比赛、许多活动中都能看到Dara的身影,偶尔也会出现在拼车队列上. Matthew is a healthcare attorney and a partner at Bochner, PLLC. 他任职于WDS董事会,并曾任职于董事会的多个委员会,包括执行委员会、审计和财务委员会. Matthew enjoys volunteering as a chaperone on class trips whenever he can. Dara and Matthew strongly believe in the value of a Westchester Day School education. 他们非常感谢威彻斯特走读学校的管理人员和教师满足和支持他们每个孩子的教育和情感需求.

Educator Award: Becky Shapiro

Educator Award: Becky Shapiro Collins, K-6 Science teacher and STEM Coordinator

虽然贝基·夏皮罗并不总是认为自己会成为一名科学老师,但也许她应该成为一名科学老师.  From an early age, she was leading friends on nature walks through the woods, camping with the Girl Scouts and leading younger scouts, and working as a nature counselor at summer camps.  She had an early childhood interest in marine biology, which led to her working as a scuba dive instructor in the Caribbean during college.  2011年,当她开车穿过树林去参加WDS的面试时,她看到了学校在水上的位置, 她知道这将是她教学的地方,并将她对自然和海洋的热爱融入到她的课程中.  On any given day, you might find her elbow-deep in her intertidal fish tank, strumming her ukulele and singing about the water cycle, 或者让她的六年级学生根据海滩上的螃蟹数量调查推断出入侵螃蟹数量的数据. As the first designated Elementary Science teacher at WDS, she has spent the last 13 years developing and refining an expansive, standards-based, experiential learning curriculum for students in grades K-6. She was instrumental in the construction of the WDS garden ten years ago, and prior to WDS’s partnership with Grow Torah last year, single handedly managed and coordinated its use. Always looking to help the WDS team, she has also filled in as the 7th and 8th grade science teacher on four separate occasions.
In 2014, WDS was issued a grant to develop a STEAM curriculum. Becky在那个夏天参加了各种培训课程,然后回来建立WDS创客空间, equipped with 3D printers, a laser cutter, Arduino kits and more.  For the past eight years, in addition to incorporating technology into the science curriculum, 她帮助6-8年级开设工程选修课,并与小学老师协调将STEAM项目纳入课堂.  Under her direction, each grade from ganon-8th grade has participated in at least one large-scale, project-based STEAM unit per year.   As part of WDS’s partnership with CIJE (the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education), Becky has also received continuous professional development in Science and STEM education, including a week-long training in Israel. 

Becky is a graduate of Scarsdale High School, the University of Delaware (BA), and Manhattanville College (MPS).  She currently lives in Pelham with her family: husband Eric Collins, sons Henry (6), Charlie (4), and daughter Maggie (6 months).  她的父母仍然住在她长大的斯卡斯代尔,她的母亲玛西是她最大的啦啦队长,也是关键的儿童保育支持. 她的儿子们在WDS的Ganon上学(查理目前在Ganon Zahav),能看到他们在这样一个温暖的环境中学习和成长,是她职业生涯的一大亮点, welcoming, and beautiful place. 

Find Us

856 Orienta Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Who We Are

Westchester Day School is a Modern Orthodox, co-educational, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th 这是一所犹太学校,以他们自己的方式激励和教育我们的学生重视人性, mitzvot, and lifelong learning.
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